work hard and play hard.
the last little while there has been alot on the go for Dream Photography. the ball is rolling and things are happening.
different projects and tasks to finish as well a new and up coming opportunities.
it almost feels like in a time like such you could just bury yourself in the office and work, work and work. but it wouldn't be long until you reach a burn out stage.
so in the busy times, i have also found some time to have fun and spend it with the people i love most.
i always find that if there is that balance, three things happen:
1. my level of happiness increases.
2. i am more focused to do the work when i am in the office
3. i am more thankful for the good times with others cause i know that i deserve that time after working hard.
it's a great balance and it work for me.
what works for you? i am interested to hear it....
here are a few pictures of the fun times i have been having lately. i am truly thankful for it all.
chicks with stick golf league.
let's just say that i didn't have the best game, but the company and weather was wonderful.
time with great girlfriends
time with my husband!
time around a campfire with friends
time with my best buddy joey, from Abbostford
time with my sister and her husband.
- time with my mother in law at the farmers market picking out some plants for the backyard
- the ulitmate firsbee game on tuesday evening.
- dinner with my family at Rea Dawn Arabians (mom and dad's place)
also thank you to Juanita for taking the pictures and sending them my way.
a sak
good rules to live'll never go wrong!!! namaste
"let the good times roll..." (the cars)
awesome blog amanda - so true - learning balance in some many different parts of life...reaps the greatest rewards! good to remember
you always post such thoughtful stuff!! as well as lots of great images :) hope you and sis are doing well WAY up there.
I just absolutley love reading your blog Amanda and seeing all the good times that you live and learn by.
I am learning lots from you and your
awesome pic's partner.
Love you both tons
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