right now i am speechless yet inside i feel as if i could color in a book of 1000 pages.
i would color in pictures and shapes of all the blessings and joy that life has brought my way this year
i feel as if i could take colors and run them thru the pages of the book. they would all coordinate yet clash, there would be circles, squares, pictures inside of pictures and lollipops.
there would be no fences or barriers. there would be lots of room to reach out.
there would be sunshine and rain, wind and calms. there would be big posters everywhere saying to believe in yourself.
then i would draw and color something not knowing quite what it might become.
i would allow my heart to guide and my feet to follow.
i would draw a little sadness, trials and tribulations. those too are a part of this coloring book.
a very important role. for some colors are dark, cold and gray. when those color were felt, yes it might hurt, but they are too what make us strong and makes us appreciate what we have.
i would draw a family picture , one of happiness, honesty and love, i would draw them as stick people with a simple home and some horses behind a fence. some big swings right from the sky and a trampoline in the backyard.
i would turn the page quickly and keep drawing.
a picture so beautiful of a handsome man and me. in that drawing it would sum up everything that he is to me and some how it would be simple but beautiful. no frills and diamonds. that's not us.
i would draw friends, lots of them. they would have big hearts and kind smiles.
i would draw rain puddles, big ones. i would draw fresh herbs and a coffee cup.
maybe one hot chocolate too.
i would draw a camera and then a big smile... i would draw my sister on that page with hearts going up into the sky. i would color a new family in my life and all that i have learned from them. a mother in law with one hand in a garden and the other hand holding a natural fabric.... she would be planting a seed and sowing an outfit for her grandson. i would draw a humble man that has taught me lots.
i would write a few words. but i would be careful.. life isn't so much our words but our actions
i would write that - all seasons are beautiful to the person who carries happiness within
i would write love life
really what have you got to loose?
i would draw mountains and deserts, i would draw time and seasons.
i would draw heros and they would be our grandparents.
i would draw and color airmail and it would symbolize my many thoughts of all the amazing souls overseas.
i would draw prayers and they would not stop... people need us and we need them.
i would draw, draw and draw, realizing that by drawing, my book was in progress.
a chapter, a phase and a page.
life is our coloring book, sometimes others get to see it, sometimes they can only feel it.
sometimes we, ourselves are the only ones that every see the beauty in it.
i say: grab some colors and dream with your eyes wide open.
thank you all for making 2006 a colorful year.
let's focus this year on what inspires us and remember that you cannot achieve what you don't attempt.
1 comment:
You are the most amazing writer.
You inspire me to just take the time
to enjoy every moment. Our life is to
short to not enjoy every opportunity that we have to live and love life.
Like my friend says. "Come out of the circle of life and into the circle of love". We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such loving and beautiful girls and their hubby's
Love M.
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