Sunday, October 01, 2006

you make 'now' a so much better time...

where would i be without a companion who tells me to pack my bags, that we are headed out of town for the weekend? for a little break from the rat race.

a great break it was. relaxing, peaceful and complete.

thank you to my husband for knowing just what i needed with out having to say so.

also less i forget ? my father. Papa bear.

Dad celebrated a birthday on the weekend, we were glad to be able to spend a bit of time with him. happy birthday to the world?s best father. you are too cute, too kind and too much fun to be with. keep smiling cause it makes my heart smile.

thru life, there are ups and downs. it is truly a gift to share it all with parents that love us.

this was the two of us, my dad and me. years ago......

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