Saturday, January 06, 2007

Seattle - Keeping Clam

we have arrived in seattle and the days have been spent admiring the sights of a very unique city with old friends and new. it's been great. the first few pictures are of the scenery just outside our back deck....... beautiful.

today we headed down to the famous market.
we discovered a wall covered with bubble gum. watch close this wall might reappear in some more photos.

juanita kissing a fish that she caught in air.

i was very drawn to the green moss color.

we also drank a coffee from the first starbucks ever.
dad you would be loving this place. there is a starbucks almost on every corner.

the next few days are going to be filled with wedding festivities so keep watch for the beautiful couple soon.


Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful! Have a great time and wish the happy couple lots of love from Kevin and I!! Can't wait to see the pics!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are enjoying your time here in the NW. Hope our weather isn't getting the best of you. It would be fun to see you & Junita... so if you have time in your trip, feel free and look us up. We are listed. Take care. Greetings & Congrats to the Bride & Groom.

me said...

wow, looks like a city I could get lost in for a couple of weeks!! The greens, the markets, the coffees...Enjoy!!