Monday, February 20, 2006

Things are heat'n up....

the last few days i have been working on some 'promo' things for Dream Photography. as things start to pick up around here.... i know, just by experience that things will continue to get busier. that is a great thing. i love that. however... you need to always stay ahead of the deadlines you have. be professional and meet them. no one likes someone or something that is late. at least that the way i was brought up :)

Dream Photography has the privilege of working with some charities in the near future. one of them is the Greek Gourmet Feast. A charity event hosted by the RUHF to raise money for where the hospital may need new or upgraded equipment, or on going education for better health care. this event will be help at Mano's restaurant in Saskatoon, it will be a great food and successful event. Good luck and thank you for allowing us play a part. We are always truly thankful to help.

also thank you to all those who have made out promo sheets so great to look at!

another thing...

a quick congrats to the newly engaged couple. Aaron and Amanda. Aaron proposed on saturday night here in Saskatoon. I was able to capture their family moments this summer when their daughter was born. Aaron has been a great friend of my husband kipp for many years. it's been great getting to know him as well as Amanda

here is a picture of the two of them and their family:

congrats you two. you made a wonderful couple. kipp and i are both excited for you.
a sak

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