Monday, October 16, 2006

Deja Vu?

i arrived at the Donnelly residence on Friday afternoon to capture the twins at a new age. being a couple months older that when we first capture them, i quickly concluded that they have not only grown in size but character too. these beautiful little girls have sure come to life. they are much more aware of the world around them.

in my short time there, i brushed up on all the nursery rhymes i had forgotten from my childhood days. Mom, Dad and Kika, ( their wonderful nanny ) sang their hearts out and brought smiles and sparkles to the girls? faces.

i was so thankful to be around such a great team. both Mom and Dad have both poured their hearts into giving these little girls the best.
so has their nanny.

here are my favs.


Anonymous said...

yu rocked the show sista.

so sorry i had to miss those
sweet lil twins this time....

maybe we'll capture them takin their first steps in a few months....;)

nice pics.

Paula Jo said...

We love regularly checking out your photos. Love your work. Wish we lived closer so we could have you do some photos of Miss Alyssa. Take care. Greetings to your family.