Friday, October 20, 2006


we have reached the time of year when the weather slows down our outdoor photography. (our favorite kind of photography). the green grass has turned to a dull brown, the leaves have fallen from the branches and some of that white stuff has already covered the ground.

this is distressing, but yet necessary. i have learned that with the change of season, that change is a part of every aspect in life.

during the winter, our photography will slow down a little and for this i am thankful in a few ways.

- every business and person needs to re focus and to reflect.
- we will have some more time in the office to focus on building and improving all aspects things for the next season.
- during this slower season, we look forward to moving and growing in other ways time wouldn't permit us to do while we were on the move.

at this time i would like to express the feelings we have.
looking back over this past year. we could cry, giggle and smile in the matter of a minute.
we have met so many incredible individuals it's amazing. the feelings we have from being in contact with every person that was in front the camera has been so rewarding inwardly, it's beyond words.

the children, the families, the soul mates, those who promied a life of love and laugther together the good time and hard times.
the opportunity to capture life brightest emotions and moments.

how have we been so blessed? we are forever thankful.

our aspiration during this time is to spotlight an individual every 2 weeks that has somehow and in some way, big or small made impressions and imprints on our lives. these individuals are those that have crossed our path in the past year.

when Juanita and i first started this business, we always said it's not so much about the business end of things. it's about the people. getting to know what makes them feel wonderful.
their passions, their dreams, and their day-to-day life that keeps them inspired and wired.

so please, thru out the winter share in their passions.
enjoy our ' dream photography spotlights '.

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